Print IT Reseller - Issue 43 - page 38

01732 759725
Channel partners should
capitalise on SMB’s adoption
of colour lasers
Last year the colour laser market
bolted on 27 per cent of growth. These
models have grown in popularity
among SMBs, as they’ve emerged as
an increasingly cost effective way of
providing secure, high-speed printing
at large volumes easily.
More and more SMBs are looking at
where they can maximise efficiency. Slow
print speeds, high print costs, poor security
and limited usability are common frustrations
for small businesses. They are willing to make
the initial investment to ensure that the
time it takes for employees to print at high
volumes is reduced, while documents are
protected and costs are managed.
Colour lasers offer exactly this, and
for users with high print volumes they
are increasingly among the most suitable
options. This gives channel partners a
significant opportunity to capitalise on their
We’ve developed a new series of laser
models, the L8000 and L9000 ranges, to
enable channel partners to capture this
increasing demand for easier, safer and
scalable printing. The seven new models
provide cost-effective colour printing, which
can each be scaled with tower trays to fit
the printing needs of a personal office or an
entire department, meeting wide-ranging
requirements from SMEs for volume printing
via one machine.
The printers can also be customised by
programming time-saving task shortcuts
onto the large touchscreen interface, making
routine printing or scanning easier for
The high-yield toners also give users
the opportunity to print in large volumes
and we’ve incorporated Brothers own print
management solution, B-guard, as well as
other industry recognized solutions such as
FollowMe and Papercut to allow for greater
With security becoming a growing
concern in this market, the new models can
also help keep documents and data safe
with password protection functions, network
user authentication and advanced network
We’re positioning the printers as
solutions to help SMB’s increase efficiency
and grow their businesses. For channel
partners, there is a wealth of opportunities
to target this market with printer models
that have traditionally been thought
of as enterprise-level equipment. But,
demonstrating how new machines can solve
common pain points will be key in doing so.
Hassan Masaud, product manager (ink and laser) at Brother UK, explains the work
Brother is doing to support the colour laser market’s growth among SMBs and why the
market provides new opportunities for channel firms
More and
more SMBs
are looking
at where they
can maximise
Slow print
speeds, high
print costs,
poor security
and limited
usability are
for small
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