Print.IT Reseller - issue 47

49 PRINT IT RESELLER.UK Q&A national presence makes buyers feel more secure, this tends to work in our favour when competing against the much larger dealers. It’s no more competitive that it used to be, margins are tighter when you’re competing in a hardware service only deal, but we’re adding value with a much broader offering, so it tends to be more advantageous for us. I wouldn’t like to be working at a one dimensional reseller focussing on hardware and clicks, as these guys aren’t likely to be around long, as it’s got a limited life in today’s world. Q: How do you spend your week – time on phone, face to face meetings with customers etc.? A: I do try hard to spend most of my time talking to clients and prospects. Face to face is always a preference, but we’re finding social media is becoming just as important as a means of communicating with clients. I need to keep an eye on LinkedIn, as prospects often drop me an in mail rather than an email these days. Our marketing team put out a lot of relevant content that triggers discussions, so I need to keep an eye on it more than ever. People just engage in different ways now, so we have to adapt. can see the true value of our solution, and is actively using it across their business. It’s satisfying on so many levels to see them come back to us time and time again because they trust us, and value our input. Q: What would make your job easier? A: Customers that always say yes, no competitors and no traffic on the roads, but that would just be too boring, right? But seriously, I wish someone would sort out the traffic out on the M6. I spend about four to five hours a day on my mobile and tablet. It starts after my workout at around 6:30am, but I tend to take the view that I’ll respond to clients any time they get in touch, regardless of the time of the day (within reason). People reach out when they are ready to talk in today’s connected world, so you need to be responsive. I tend to avoid spending too long on emails and read them twice a day unless it’s a client message. It’s easy to lose yourself in non-productive emails if you’re not careful. What constitutes a success for me personally, is talking to a happy client that